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- about | Assembly Dilan
关于 Erik Martin Dilan 是北布鲁克林的终身居民。出生于波多黎各人和非裔美国人的父母。埃里克于 1974 年 5 月 11 日出生在布鲁克林的布什维克区,父亲是 Martin Malave-Dilan(前纽约州参议员)和 Debra Dilan。 Erik 毕业于纽约市公立学校,毕业于 Norman Thomas 高中、Philippa Schuyler 中学和 PS 151。Erik 后来就读于圣约翰大学,在那里他获得了工商管理科学副学士学位。 埃里克·马丁·迪兰(Erik Martin Dilan)目前正在纽约州议会担任他的第四个任期,为第 54 区的人民服务。该地区覆盖了贝德福德史蒂文森特、布什维克、赛普拉斯山和东纽约的部分地区。 Prior to his election to the State Assembly, Erik was elected to and served for 12 years in the New York City Council.在理事会任职期间,他曾担任住房和建筑委员会主席、布鲁克林代表团主席和预算谈判小组成员。在担任这些职务期间,Erik 有幸制定了与纽约市住房和建筑相关的立法优先事项,是委员会布鲁克林代表团在主要立法项目、通过城市预算、为布鲁克林提供资金方面的重要人物和共识建立者文化团体而不是营利性组织。 虽然 Erik 从很小的时候就一直活跃在他的社区中,但他作为社区学校董事会 # 32 的成员开始了他的公共服务生涯。在那里,他能够与其他董事会成员合作,找到最好的教育工作者和政策为布什维克的孩子们服务。他还曾在布鲁克林的第 4 社区委员会任职。 Erik 目前与他的妻子 Jannitza 和孩子 Daniel、Lea 和 Matthew 居住在布鲁克林的 Cypress-Hills 区。 About Erik Martin Dilan is a lifelong resident of North Brooklyn. Born of Puerto Rican and African American parents. Erik was born in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn on May 11th, 1974 to Martin Malave-Dilan (former NYS Senator) and Debra Dilan. A product of New York City public schools, Erik graduated from Norman Thomas High School, Philippa Schuyler Middle School and P.S. 151. Erik later attended St. John’s University, where he received his associate of science in business administration. Erik Martin Dilan is currently serving in his fourth term in the New York State Assembly, serving the people of the 54th district. The district covers parts of Bedford Stuyvesant, Bushwick, Cypress-Hills and East New York. Prior to his election to the State Assembly, Erik was elected to and served for 12 years in the New York City Council. During his tenure in the Council, he served as the chairperson for the housing & building committee, chairperson of the Brooklyn Delegation and as a member of the budget negotiating team. In these roles, Erik had the honor of setting legislative priorities related to housing and construction in the City of New York, being a point person and consensus builder for the Council’s Brooklyn Delegation on, major legislative items, passage of City budget, funding to Brooklyn cultural groups and not for profit organizations. While Erik was always active in his community from a very young age, he began his career in public service as a member of community school board # 32. Where he was able to work with other board members, to find the best educators and policies to serve the children of Bushwick. He also served on Brooklyn’s Community Board # 4. Erik currently resides in the Cypress-Hills section of Brooklyn with his wife Jannitza and children Daniel, Lea, and Matthew.
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Donate 为 Erik Dilan 的连任竞选做出贡献! 请支持正在纽约第 54 选区竞选连任的议员 Erik Dilan! Erik 正是我们这一代需要继续为所有纽约人建设更美好未来的充满激情和精力充沛的领导者。 请注意,此注册页面仅供个人贡献者使用。对于任何其他类型实体的贡献,或者如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请致电 (917) 803-2574 或 。 捐
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问题: 作为纽约州议会的成员,我一直关注并将继续致力于: 建造低收入住房 刑事司法改革 扭转气候变化的影响 减少枪支暴力和非法枪支流动 我期待着讨论我们如何在这些和其他影响我们社区的问题上共同努力。